


2022-02-16 01:14 作者:粤湾商盟 围观:

财务报表,最通用的商业语言 Financial statements, the most common business language


From an internal perspective, financial statements are tools for management and decision-making; from an external perspective, financial statements are the most common business language.


To understand a company, it is necessary to understand the financial statements. The financial statements play the role of a dashboard inside the enterprise. The financial statements are external and are used to communicate with investors. In other words, if you want to buy stocks in a company, you should not look at the company's wild explanations, but the financial statements that are made public to investors.

一图看懂财务报表,炒股有谈资!A pic to understand financial forms


So, how should the financial report be interpreted? Although there are detailed financial books on the market, they are too esoteric for ordinary people. Today, we will use a picture to introduce a few core financial statements in a simple and simple way.

三张财务报表:一个中心,两个基本点 Three financial statements: one center and two basic points


One center: balance sheet, reflect the overall financial status of the enterprise.

一图看懂财务报表,炒股有谈资!A pic to understand financial forms


Two basic points: income statement, reflecting the increase and decrease of undistributed profit in the balance sheet (net profit accumulated in the current year = undistributed profit in the balance sheet at the end of the period - undistributed profit in the balance sheet at the beginning of the period); Cash flow statement, reflecting the increase and decrease of monetary funds in the balance sheet (net increase of cash and cash equivalents = ending cash balance – beginning cash balance).

一图看懂财务报表,炒股有谈资!A pic to understand financial forms


The balance sheet shows the "foundation" of an enterprise, the income statement shows the "face" of an enterprise, and the cash flow statement shows whether an enterprise can live a good "life".

三张财务报表的解读 Interpretation of three financial statements

1. 资产负债表:Balance sheet:


The only main statement in the financial report, which shows a perfect balance of the enterprise. The balance sheet is to judge how much of your assets is really yours and how much is converted from liabilities.


What is an asset? The cash in the company's accounts, short-term investment claims, financial products, accounts receivable, inventory in the warehouse, long-term investments, owned office buildings, cars, factories, production lines, intellectual property rights, etc., are all company assets.


When you look at the left side of the balance sheet, you can see all the assets and available resources.Among them, current assets are at the top and non-current assets are at the back. Assets that can be realized faster are placed at the top. Monetary funds and transactional financial assets in current assets are generally ranked first; while fixed assets, construction in progress, and intangible assets that are relatively slow to realize are placed behind statements.


Look at the right side of the balance sheet to explain the existence of the left side and the source of the assets on the left side. The related subjects of the debt part are arranged according to the urgency of the repayment, the more urgent the higher the ranking. The owner’s equity part is arranged in accordance with the degree of "reliability". Equity (paid registered capital) is the most reliable. It is often ranked first, followed by capital reserve, surplus reserve, and so on.


From the balance sheet, we can see the "foundation" of a company. Cut the middle of this table. The left side tells you how thick the property is, and the right side tells you where the money for these properties comes from.


Why is the balance sheet the only main sheet? Because even if there is no income statement, the profit amount of the current year can be calculated by comparing the ending balance of net assets with the beginning balance; If there is no cash flow statement, the net increase of cash and cash equivalents in the current year can also be calculated by comparing the increase and decrease of the balance at the end of the initial period of monetary funds. With these two tables, it's just a detailed reflection.


Subtracting liabilities from assets is what really belongs to shareholders, called owners' equity. Many people ask in layman terms: "How much is my company worth now?" The number above this owner's equity is the current value of the company.

2. 利润表:Income statement:


The profit statement is divided into three parts: the upper part, the middle part, and the lower part. The upper part is the sales income, and the middle part is the cost. After the income is subtracted from the cost, the bottom part is the profit.


The income statement may not truly reflect the profits of an enterprise. The fundamental reason for its existence is probably not to measure how much the enterprise has earned, but to measure the needs of enterprise income tax. And the boss of small and medium-sized enterprises often doesn't like to look at the profit statement, but likes to look at the balance on the account.


What can we see through the income statement?

1. 能看出一家公司的主要收入来自哪里?

Can you see where the main income of a company comes from?

2. 能看出除了主营收入外,有没有投资收益,或者其他营业外收入?

Can you see whether there is investment income or other non-operating income in addition to the main operating income?

3. 成本结构如何?直接销售费用占比多少?管理费用多少?财务费用多少?

What is the cost structure? What is the proportion of direct sales expenses? How much is the management fee? How much is the financial cost?

4. 公司交了多少税?

How much tax does the company pay?

5. 公司的净利润是多少?

What is the company's net profit?

3. 现金流量表:

Cash flow statement


Reflect the impact of each item in the balance sheet on cash flow, and divide it into three activity classifications: operation, investment, and financing according to their use. The cash flow statement is very important, because cash involves the life and death of a company.


From the balance sheet, you can calculate the increase and decrease of cash in the current year. Why do you need to prepare a cash flow statement? That's because we need to know the source of cash flow, whether it comes from business activities, investment activities or financing activities.If an enterprise's operating activities are negative cash flow and the income statement is profitable, we can see that there may be something behind the accounts receivable. If a company's cash source is all supported by investment and financing activities, it is like a person who will always be "transfused". When investing in its shares, it should pay special attention.

一图看懂财务报表,炒股有谈资!A pic to understand financial forms


The company’s balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement use numbers to tell the business story of the company. If you can switch between different reading perspectives, you can have a more comprehensive understanding of the company's operating conditions and analyze the company's future development potential.


Know these 3 core financial statements, and when you talk to others about the stock market, you can give more professional opinions.
