


2022-03-17 06:42 作者:洋葱小婉 围观:

高中 英文赏析 记忆中的《千与千寻》你是否还记得

The 2003 Oscar-winner Spirited Away is a comingof-age story, a magical tale about gods and a heroine, a fable of how the modern world disrespects the past, and last, but not least, it is a visually stunning animated film. Miyazaki's stories usually unfold around the offset between nature and the ancient power of its gods and the disrespectful supremacy of the human world. Instead of the strong reference to Mother Natu re, the spiritual world Chihi ro e nte rs is more evocativeof an old society built on traditions, which is in danger of being ove rshadowed by the workaholic and technocratic modern world. Chihiro's quest to save her parents is also a little girl's struggle to grow up in the modern age where the old family model is deconstructed. The magical power of Spirited Away hence lies within telling a universal story that is disturbingly relevant in the 21st century, with the addition of a big spoonful of Miyazaki-magic.

高中 英文赏析 记忆中的《千与千寻》你是否还记得

《千与千寻》荣获了2003年奥斯卡奖,是一部关于成长的故事,一个关于神灵和女英雄的神话传说,一则讲述现代世界如何不尊重过去的寓言,最后但同样重要的是,这还是一部视觉效果令人惊艳的动漫电影。宫崎骏的故事常常围绕这两方的此消彼长展开:一方是自然及其众神的古老神力,另一方则是唯我独尊、强权至上的人类世界。与其说千寻进入的神灵世界明显指代的是大自然,不如说它更容易让人联想到一个建立在传统之上的古老社会,而这个社会正面临着被工作至上和技术至上的现代世界夺取光辉的危险。 在现代社会,旧有的家庭模式已被拆解,而千寻拯救自己父母的这种求索也同样是一个小女孩在这种社会中艰难成长的故事。因此,《千与千寻》的魔力就在于它讲述了一个普世性的故事,一个与21世纪密切相关又令人不安的故事,一个添加了一大勺宫崎骏魔力的故事。

高中 英文赏析 记忆中的《千与千寻》你是否还记得
